I would rather prefer to let you describe me, after having a nice conversation where you can know me better. I prefer to get close to people by being real, honest, and helpful where and when I can. Blessings and love!

  • Nume: Simone Phantom
  • Vârstă: 33
  • Porniți:

    Writing, winter, cold and rainy nights, the scent of snow, fantasy, honest people, magic of the Universe, creation, decoration, books, long conversations, special people with special souls.

  • Categorie: Amatori
  • Etnie: Alb
  • Tip de Corp: Curvy
  • Mărimea Sânului: Normal
  • Lungimea părului: Lung
  • Culoarea părului: Brun
  • Nickname: SimonePhantom
  • Platform: Livejasmin
  • Evaluare:
  • Privat de la: $2.99
  • Etichete: CapturăCu toc înaltNaturalTatuaj