I am 18 years old, and I really like to walk in the park, my cherished dream is to travel around countries, I am a kind and sociable girl, I am happy to have any guest, you can talk to me on any occasion. topic.
- Nume: Lilian Brimhall
- Vârstă: 18
- Porniți:
Love, ice cream, honesty, blue eyes, cats.
- Categorie: Amatori
- Etnie: Alb
- Tip de Corp: Slab
- Mărimea Sânului: Normal
- Lungimea părului: Lung
- Culoarea părului: Auburn
- Nickname: LilianBrimhall
- Platform: Livejasmin
- Evaluare:4
- Privat de la: $0.98
- Etichete: Captură