Today is my first day here. Please be friendly. I only support general topics of conversation. I'm very shy. I would be grateful if you would just chat with me.
- Nume: Engel Doddy
- Vârstă: 19
- Porniți:
Most of all I love to walk and fresh air) I love your friends and dancing).
- Categorie: Amatori
- Etnie: Alb
- Tip de Corp: BBW
- Mărimea Sânului: Normal
- Lungimea părului: Lungimea umerilor
- Culoarea părului: Brun
- Nickname: EngelDoddy
- Platform: Livejasmin
- Evaluare:5
- Privat de la: $0.98
- Etichete:
Engel Doddy 19 y.o. BBW Flirt fierbinte